Why a small business needs a website.

It’s more common for businesses to have websites than it is not to. As a result of this, consumers are generally turned off by companies that don’t have a web presence.

This is one of the biggest reasons why small businesses need websites.

A website not only puts the business out there and makes itself known. Because modern consumers expect it, it instantly gives a business credibility.

Even businesses that do have websites can still leave bad impressions on web consumers. Think about when you have come across outdated websites…Old design and layout. Poor use of colors and font. Spelling errors. The whole nine yards of a bad website. You probably click away every time you encounter one of these ancient sites. And unfortunately, a lot of small business owners succumb to this because they don’t have the skills nor the time to design a functional website. Luckily, website builders and developers can help businesses look both legitimate and professional. In the digital era, this is a wise and a practically necessary investment for both big and small businesses alike.

At Baystate Websites and Marketing LLC we provide programs that offer a responsive and professional website with local site submission SEO couple with no upfront costs or long term contracts.
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